Multiple Choice Questions To Prepare For The AP Calculus BC Exam
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Testimonials for
“Multiple Choice Questions to Prepare for the AP Calculus BC Exam.”
Testimonials by Teachers
"I bought your book the AP Calculus - BC Level, and it is really great. I have being going thru many BC-Level Materials from many different places, and this book summarizes the most important math questions. Hands down, this is the BEST book I have seen for AP Calculus at the BC level.
There are many sources for the AP Calculus at the AB level, but not for the BC level. This is the BEST book on BC-Level for AP Calculus."
- Paul P
"As an AP Calculus BC teacher I am always looking for realistic and useful exam questions that accurately reflect those that may be on the BC Exam. The material contained in this terrific book fits the bill. I am very impressed and my students are being challenged. I strongly recommend this book." - Donald Ciccolella
" Tons of problems to thoroughly prepare for the BC AP Calculus exam. This book has 6 sets of 45 multiple choice questions covering the most recent topics found on the BC AP Calculus exam. At first I was disappointed that there weren't complete solutions, but in time I recognized this as a strength, as it forced me to push to figure out the answers. An answer key is provided. I believe these problems are more challenging than the actual test, but not extremely so. As such, they provide an excellent way to prepare. There is a separate solution manual that can be purchased if needed, but I encourage you to work through these on your own, even if you have to let a problem sit in your subconscious for a spell. You will thank yourself and Rita Korsunsky come exam day."
- L. Coleman
This was the first year I used this book to help my students prepare for the AP BC exam, and it is a fantastic book. The problems were great and extremely beneficial for my students. Regularly the students completed the problems from this book in class and they were well written, challenging, and reflective of the actual AP exam questions. I will definitely use it again, and I highly recommend it! - Sandi Goss
"This book is an excellent source of practice material, whether for review or for the teacher to use in the classroom. I've used it for two years now in the classroom as daily practice/quiz material and it is great. Should check out her other materials as well."- D Floyd
“This is what is it - just a set of practice tests. However, unlike a lot of practice tests, this one actually reflects the kinds of questions that the College Board has on their practice exams. Some of these problems are not easily found in books. I wish this author would write another book with just sample problems by category for the BC content. I would buy that in a minute. I'd probably buy a whole set for my BC class. This is THE best book I've seen in terms of BC accuracy. Highly recommended.”- B. LEARY
"Out of eighteen BC (technically AB/BC in one year) students, I had fifteen get a 5 and three got a 4. I used the Multiple Choice Questions... and the Lecture Notes... They were both extremely helpful!! I would recommend both!" -Karen S.
"Good collection of problems. I really like hearing students discuss the ideas behind some of them." - Tricia G.
“This is an excellent resource for AP Calculus BC! The questions are well written and very challenging. After completing these, the students are well prepared for any type and style of questions asked on the AP exam.”- Amy Edmonson
"I have been teaching AP Calculus AB & BC for some time now and purchased the MathBoat books last year for my BC class! I used the problems for warmups and fillers during class and had the students take a whole test on their own. The books were great!! complete with 6 full examinations, tips for the AP Exam, and formulas and theorems sheet. The solution CD's provide instant feedback for the students on their answers if needed (though I find myself doing the problems too). The problems are comprehensive and address all of the new AP Calculus AB/BC focus and content on procedural with conceptual underpinnings. "- Amazon Customer
"Excellent BC prep book! I have used these books with my students for several years. They are a great source for practice questions."- D. Eichenser
“Great book for AP Calculus BC classes…”- Boris Ovetsky
"As a first time BC calc teacher, I found this book to be super helpful! I used it mostly for questions on chapter tests. There are a few questions here and there that I thought were a little odd (difficult, unclear?), but the PowerPoint solutions helped clear up any ambiguity for me. My students were well prepared for their AP exam and these questions were a big part of that!" - Karen A. Martin
“Five Stars! Great problems!!! I would use this seller again.”- Melanie Sacco
“Using your materials, I had the best scores in the 5 years I have taught BC. The number of fives increased dramatically from previous years.” Denis Bergstedt
“Extremely rigorous problem sets---many level 5 and beyond questions!” A. C.
"My students did well. Of the 9 students who took the AP Calculus BC exam 5 got 5 and the remaining 4 got a score of 4.
- I have used the Mathboat review workbooks and my students also practiced the questions from the past exam papers. Together, they helped the students get ready for their AP exam. I would definitely recommend the workbooks to other teachers/students."- Isaiah G.
"Excellent review book!" Liz Chalanick
"I used this book during my first year teaching Calculus BC. Having this many multiple choice practice problems (with solutions!!) was extremely helpful. This is a great resource for both student and teacher." -GeneralBS.
"Good book for students seeking to get 4 or 5 on the AP test."- Haixin G.
"I want to thank you for your excellent products. I've downloaded all 4 Pre-Calc and Calculus courses as well as the Calc AB & Calc BC Multiple choice exams in iBooks. They've been a lifesaver for me as a tutor." - Hanz B.
"The workbooks really help them a lot."- Victoria B
Exactly what you need to be able to do for the AP Exam. I actually ENJOYED doing these problems knowing they were relevant to the actual test! Consider also getting her "AP Calculus BC Lecture Notes", a great resource for explanations of the required material.
(Retired AP Physics teacher teaching myself AP BC Calculus so that I can tutor that as well as the courses I taught.)- Amazon customer
Testimonials by parents
"I just wanted to send a "thank you" on behalf of my daughter. She recently took the AP Calculus BC exam at school and feels as though she did extremely well. Although her school has a great Calculus teacher, he did not teach Calculus in a way to score well (a 5 to get college credit which is what is needed at our state university). My daughter was able to self-study your materials and believes that they had a strong positive effect on her exam performance. It sounds odd because I know that the standard AP Calculus BC curriculum was taught at her school --- but following/completing the standard AP curriculum is not enough to score well (at least at my daughter's school). I am not suggesting that your materials provided any short cuts to learning Calculus -- but your materials did challenge and teach my daughter in ways that her AP Calculus did not. Thank you so much for writing and publishing them. Many thanks." Michelle Hutter
" Nicely done. It was really nice that there were no errors in the problems. I also bought the digital answers, which shows the work for all of the problems. It was really nicely done. (The Baron's review book has errors all over it and the publisher does not care to correct them, even in the newer editions. We threw that one out and only used this one to prepare for the multiple choice section.) My kids said that these problems were slightly more difficult than the actual AP Calculus BC ones, and they felt this book prepared them very well for the exam." - Mom of 6
"Great AP resource. Amazingly written AP mc prep book! Great resource for my kids!" - Henry and Vanessa
A thoughtfully put together collection of problems that helps students to review all major concepts in preparation for the test. I bought the book for my son, and it has proven to be imperative in his studies. Highly recommended! -L.P.
"We purchased this book and the companion solutions CD so my son could self study for the AP Calculus BC exam. We could easily find Free Response practice questions on the internet but finding Multiple Choice questions was much more difficult. We took a chance and ordered this book. The questions were similar to those found on the AP. The practice was challenging and worth it! If my son had trouble with a question, he would refer to the solutions CD and it would be clearly presented. He found it very helpful. He also used the CollegeBoard AP Calc BC practice tests and tests from previous years that can be found online to prepare but there have been some changes in the recent updates on the AP exam. Ms. Korsunsky's book includes those types of problems whereas the old online AP tests did not. I recommend purchasing both the book and the solutions CD. Incidently, my son earned a 5 on the exam! Thank you, Rita Korsunsky!"- Kande129.
"My daughter got a 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam! She greatly appreciates your workbook and PowerPoint solutions as many of the exam problems were very similar style to your workbook ones. Thanks!" Janet J.
"This is the best book for AP Calculus BC test and Final exam. My son's overall average is a 95.5 and got a 5 for AP Calculus BC test. I highly recommend this book." - Michelle Yoo
"I was looking for a good resource for my son to prepare for his AP Calculus B/C class and also to prepare for his AP exam. ... The questions published in the book are carefully thought examples that will challenge the students and at the same time provide a good explanation of steps as the student works through the problem. I highly recommend getting this book."- Mohammad N.
"I bought this book for my son to prepare for the Calculus exam. The book had very good variety of problems that provided him the challenge to prepare well for the exam. The author has done an excellent job of providing the right mix of problems."- Ashok G.
"I bought this book for my kid AP calculus. My kid was not doing well at school, which bothers me. I have to say it is a tough book and too many though questions. My kid complained me that he has to spend so much time to do the questions in the book for his AP calculus.However, the result is wonderful. My kid got a 5 in his AP test and he told me his daily exercises in this book prepares him so well for the test that he feels very confident after the AP test. If your kid is ready for challenge and wants the confidence in the test, take this book."- Yuanwen Wu
"My daughter just took her AP Calc BC exam and said your books are amazing. She said she saw some of the same problems in your book on her AP exam today. Thank you." -Jennifer S
"My daughter found this book and companion CD very useful for preparing for the AP Calculus Exam. The authors' flexibility and helpfulness is very much appreciated. She offered to send a link to download the CD content because the book and CD were purchased a couple of weeks before the exam. My kid loved it and did very well."- A.F.
"I got this for my daughter preparing for the AP Calculus BC test a couple of months before the test date. She found this resource very helpful. There are other resources for the FRQ part of the test but very limited for the Multiple Choice section and this book certainly meets the need in that area." - fmlyguy
"My son said the questions are very good. They cover everything on the Calculus BC exam. They are great practice if you are studying for the AP Calculus BC exam. My son is using it to prepare for the Calculus BC exam and he feel he is well prepared." - Amazon customer
"My son received a 5 on the Cal BC exam. Your book and power point slides helped a lot. Thanks," -Shafeeq S.
"My son said this book prepared him very well with good problems covering all hard areas. I would definitely recommend Mathboat workbook to other students." - Surya
"Good tool to increase your child score. My son got a 5 just last week." -K. Fong
"I bought the book and the CD with the solutions (sold separately) because I noticed that my son was having hard time in BC class towards the middle of the school year. This book helped him a lot. He got a score of 5 on the AP Calculus BC. Although purchasing the book and then the solutions CD was a little more expensive than most AP books, the results were instant and amazing, and the purchase was absolutely worth! I ordered the AP Calculus AB version for my younger son as well."- sg9776
"My son used this book for Calculus BC, it has good practice questions and it clearly explains the material and gives good answers practice tests."- Harry.
"I bought the book in the middle of the school year because I noticed my son's grades in AP Calculus going down. Almost instantly after he started using the book, his grades went up and he had a 100% in the class for the last semester. He has a score of 5 on the AP Calculus BC as well.
Although purchasing the book and then the solutions CD was a little more expensive than most AP books, the results were instant and amazing, and the purchase was absolutely worth! I will purchase the AP Calculus AB version for my younger son as well. I already recommended your books to my friends and would like to recommend them to all AP scholars!"- D.P.
"My son took AP Calculus BC exam in May. He earned 5 in Calculus BC with a sub score of 5 in Calculus AB. We used your book and PowerPoint in our review sessions during the last few weeks. It was tremendous help towards our final preparation in improving speed and learning different ways of solving some problems. In our homeschool, your resource was invaluable and very much appreciated. Thank you." -Jasma S.
"I purchased both the 2019 Calculus BC Exam Preparation workbook and the solutions manual for my son. I think that he did every problem in the workbook and understood each solution. He felt very prepared going into the exam and confident when he finished. The workbook questions were very similar to the exam questions so there were no surprises on test day. All his preparation paid off as he scored a "5" on his exam and will be starting off in Calc 3 in college."- Crossing creeks farm
"My son scored a 5 on his AP BC Calculus exam. Your textbook and the solutions manual were both extremely helpful to him. I don't think I saw him at all the last several weeks prior to his AP Exams. I would bring him coffee and he would be doing calulus problems....I think that he did every problem. He certainly felt very prepared going into the exam and confident when finished. Thank you for offering such comprehensive preparation materials." - Vivian P.
"The Mathboat book was really helpful and my son score a 5 on his AP Exam. "- Krupal P
Testimonials by students
"As a high school junior having to take this class, I had looked at plenty of resources that would give myself plenty of practice for the AP exam. After having only scored a 3 on my AB exam, I was really looking to improve my score for the BC exam. It is because of these practice tests in this book that I felt so fully prepared for my exam and was able to score a 5 on it. I recommend that anyone looking to score a 5 on their exam should get this book as well as the accompanying solutions as it was probably one of the best resources I have ever bought for an AP exam and this is come from the student who has taken 11 APs already in total." - Amazon customer
"I took my AP calculus course online — there was little guidance by the teachers about how to actually prepare for the test itself. By using this book and learning the concepts behind each of the problems (I recommend buying their guided solutions) I was able to score a 5 on the exam. Not to mention I have personally talked to the author over email, and she has been very receptive and friendly." - Alex Godfrey
"If you are going to take the AP Calculus BC test or even want to strengthen your AP Calculus AB score, I highly, highly, recommend this book. The concepts tested are relevant and challenging but man, is it gonna prep you for the test better than ANY OTHER prep book. The questions in the book DO resemble the questions in the AP Calculus BC test and the depth of the questions improve your understanding of the subjects tested.Try to go through the whole book and review your mistakes. The theorems and formulas at the back are a great help too. Also something that I want to highlight is that the customer service at, the website where the book and solution key (very much necessary), is superb. Not only do they respond very quickly, but they are also very generous and helpful. Did I mention that I got a 5 in my AP Calculus BC test with an AB sub-score of 5 as well. This is proof that this book DOES help, if you put in effort and practice the free response past year questions available for free online." - Amazon customer
"The questions in this book are great and are AP style so they greatly helped me prepare for the exam. I took all of the practice exams and was not surprised by anything when I took the AP test." - Rosa Cherry
"A great book if you’re studying for the exam! Very thorough explanations on the DVD; ended up with a 5 on the exam. A book you should look into when studying for the BC exam. " - Giovanni Longo
"The book was very helpful as the problems were quite a bit harder than the actual exam, so being over prepared helped me get a five on the BC exam relatively easily." - Abhinaya M.
"Thanks to the book, I received a 5 on the Calc BC exam - probably the most confident out of all my exams. I would definitely recommend the Mathboat workbooks to anyone who wants to fully grasp and understand topics that are unclear."- James P.
"This practice book helped me a lot throughout my AP Calc BC class! I started using it from the beginning of the year, especially the review pages in the back that recap everything you need to know for the exam. I bought the CD with the worked-out solutions as well since I definitely think it's necessary to have while doing the practice problems. After taking the AP exam this past May, I honestly didn't feel that I did well but I ended up getting a 5 on the BC score and AB subscore! Would recommend to other students!" - Julia M.
"After using many Calculus BC preparatory books, Rita's book is hands down the most realistic and helpful resource. It tests all the necessary knowledge to guarantee a 5 on the AP exam. Everyone taking Calculus BC must get this book." - Baltej Singh.
"The exam went very well (I got a 5)! The book and power point solutions were very helpful in my preparation and made me feel confident in my abilities going into test day."- Edward J.
All the Multiple Choice Questions in the book are WONDERFUL for preparing for the AP Calculus BC Exam. Everything has been updated to the current AP Calculus BC Exam Standards, and every problem helps strengthen the students understanding for all the AP Calculus BC topics! Every topic is covered in these practice questions and they align very closely to the actual AP Calculus BC Exam! The problems range from basic to challenging, providing the student with the full range of potential questions related to the topics covered in the Exam. The quality of these problems are EXCELLENT! This is an AMAZING way to prepare and practice for the Exam! The problems are very complete, thorough, and clear, and I would HIGHLY recommend this book for anyone to use to prepare for the AP Calculus BC Exam! This is a GREAT Exam Preparation Workbook!- Sadvi Narayanan
"It provide excellent practice for multiple choice section. Unlike other practice books, I didn't find any mistake in the book. If you answer is different from the book, you can be sure that you make mistake..." -Kaicheung Chow
This book contains high quality practice problems for virtually every single topic tested on the AP exam. Problems are structured very similarly to AP exam problems. I would recommend this book for anyone looking to take the AP Calculus BC exam; it will definitely boost your score!- Zhe Liu
"Working through these problems will increase speed needed to answer questions on the AP test and prevent careless errors....This book was one of the main reasons I was able to successfully able to achieve a 5 on the AP Calculus BC Exam.... I highly recommend this book for both preparing for the AP test and for studying for the AP Calc BC class, and assure that once you start doing problems in the book, you will not be able to stop!...Best of luck to all to those aspiring to take the AP Calculus BC test, and once you reach the exam room, be confident, because this book is more than enough practice than you will need to ace the exam."- Ram G.
"Great book to prepare for and get a 5 on the AP calculus BC exam. Has a big variety of problems, so you can go into the exam feeling confident. Very highly recommended!" -Bimba S. Rao
"Helped me get a 5 on the AP exam! Problems are very similar to the actual ones on the exam. Highly recommend to anyone looking for some good quality practice problems to prepare themselves." - M. Shao
“If you are looking for comprehensive practice test set to prepare for the AP Calculus BC Exam, this is the one! The book contains problems for all the essential topics with various difficulties. Looking back at the six tests in this book, I found that they covered each type of problems that appeared on the ...AP test.” - Steven Z
The multiple choice is very good. The questions are challenging and similar to the questions on the actual AP. - Mahabubul Alam
The problems in this book are representative of the topics covered on the actual AP Calculus BC exam. Doing the problems was beneficial for my overall understanding of the concepts and definitely helped me prepare for the exam. - sjc2015
"It is little hard to do but I feel like this gave me some practice that Khan academy, Barrons, and previous AP exams couldn't give. I used this and Barrons. Also my calculus used similar problems in the tests so it helped me boost my grade to an A. I also did well on my AP exam so I'm happy." -Dong U.
“This book is extremely useful in helping pinpoint areas that you are proficient in and areas that you need help with.” - Elin C.
“Not only does it have challenging problems, but each one tests a different skill, and allows you to review all the concepts.” - Ria
“It predicts all the tricks the creators of the test might pull in order so that you won't fall for them! I would highly recommend this book.”- Katherine X
"This book has 6 excellent practice tests each with excellent practice questions.In the past, I got the first addition for AP Calc AB and got a five on that AP Test. This book is helping me prepare just as well for the Calc BC Test. I have only good things to say about this product. I highly recommended it." - Suren Seshadri
“I owe my success on the BC exam largely to the time I spent going through all of the problems and correcting the ones I got wrong.” L.M.
“This is a great resource to prepare for the AP Calculus BC test. The practice exams cover all the areas for the course. The Formulas and Theorems section is especially useful since it serves as a comprehensive while succinct summary of the course contents. Don't forget to read the tips as well, which helps avoid common mistakes.” - Jessica
"Your book has been of tremendous help to me. I remember trying the first question of your book, and failing, because it was so hard but it built my foundation and knowledge of the test subjects very well. The questions are relevant and challenging, prepping me for the actual test, which mostly resembled your questions in many ways (depth, difficulty, and etc). The questions tested concepts from various angles and continually strengthened my foundation. In addition, the formulas and theorems at the back were very, very helpful! All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed your book and benefited greatly from it (probably wouldn't have gotten a 5 if I did not use your book). I am extremely grateful and would give you and your book a 100 out of 10." -Miracle W.
The practice exams that the book contains provide a comprehensive and beneficial review on the course.” - Niyaza
“This is the best book for calc. It prepared me for the Calculus exam and got me a 5. I was confident and finished the entire exam in about 75% of the time.” - Rishi S.
“This is a great resource for AP Calculus BC! It is extremely helpful.” - Lawrence C.
“I think this is a must buy if you want to do well on the AP exam! Questions are really well prepared.” - Vladimir B
“The big spaces between the problems allowed me…to mark, star, and show detailed steps.... From the helpful tips to the accuracy of the problem types to the wonderful formatting, this book is amazing, and I highly recommend it!” - Marian P
“Extremely Helpful. Highly recommended to everyone taking calculus.” - Angela L.
" I bought this book to prepare for my AP Calculus BC exam in 2015, and it got me a 5 on the test! It was very useful, and there are sample problems for every type of question that came up on the exam. I also purchased the solution manual from MathBoat, and it was very clear, and a good companion to this book. I would recommend buying this book well before the AP Exam, and working through each type of problem a few times to understand it completely." - BSRI
"It is thanks to your book that I got a 5 on my exam. I would definitely recommend it to other students and have already gotten countless of students at my school that took Calc AB to purchase your book. I will be recommending that they do the same for BC. This book was probably, in my opinion, one of the best resources I had for the exam and the reason why I had an improved score from when I took AB. This was definitely a phenomenal resource that lives up to the reviews I read and what it promised to do. Thank you for creating these amazing resources. "- Alexa C.
“Thanks to this book, I scored a 5 on the AP Calculus BC Exam! The workbook really helped me to reinforce my concepts The six practice tests provided me with a large variety of problems so that I was ready for everything College Board tested me on.” - Yue C.
The practice problems are very similar to the ones on the AP exam.”- Jessica
“Perfect book to succeed and surpass expectations on the AP exam!”- Avanti M
“The best way to prepare for the Multiple Choice section of the AP Calculus exam is to do practice problems. This book has the perfect selection of problems, which cover all topics on the exam.” Steven H
“The tips at the end of the book talks about important things that helps prevent loosing points due to insignificant mistakes.”- モリ・トラ
“This book contains questions on everything that you need to know for the AP Exam. After taking the tests in this book I truly felt prepared. This book is modeled after a real AP test and it shows. It's amazing practice and I'm glad I had the opportunity to use it.”-Mahesh I.
"All the problems in this preparation book helped me get a 5 on the AP test! Very thorough and well-designed." - Crystal G.
"The six tests contained in this book are helpful in both identifying probable problems on the Calculus BC exam and in increasing speed and understanding. By the time you finish the book, you will find yourself faster and more aware of possible mistakes. Really great practice if you want to ace that AP exam." - Asma M.
"Finishing this book will make you a master of the test " - Kevin C.
"These questions are very useful and are the main reason why I got a 5 on the AP Calculus BC Exam. " - Vishnu M.
"The problems in this book are exceptional and prepare you very well for the AP test. Literally any type of problem you might encounter on the AP test are present in this book. I'm so glad I was able to do these problems because they prepared me for the AP test. As I was taking the test, I did not find any surprises because all of them were very similar to problems I had encountered in this book. I strongly recommend using this book for prep!" - Yolomamba
"Many of the problems in this book were similar to the ones on the actual test and trained me to quickly identify which steps to use to approach and solve a variety of problems. In addition to the sample exams, the book also contains a list of EXTREMELY helpful tips that I couldn't find in other prep books. The list of formulas and definitions in the back of the book refreshed my memory before the test as well. Another reason why I love this book so much is that the big spaces between the problems not only allowed me to have a lot of room to do my work but also let me have space to mark, star, and show detailed steps right next to the problems that I needed to review again. From the helpful tips to the accuracy of the problem types to the wonderful formatting, this book is amazing, and I highly recommend it!" -Ejin
"As a high school student taking multiple AP classes this book really makes you feel prepared for the AP exam. There are different types of questions and it's a great representation of what shows up on the real test. ...It also has questions which trick you the way the AP test does, so doing these problems makes you extra careful to not make the same mistakes. This book is a great resource and will give you an advantage when taking the exam!" -Pallavi C.
"This book really helped me when I was struggling to do well in my Calculus BC class, and even more so when I took the AP test. The questions were all very similar to what one can find on the AP test ... Highly recommend!" -Ethan C.
"This book is your best bet at passing the BC Calculus AP test; the wide variety of questions covers a bunch of possible problems you would run into on the real test. Essentially if you complete this book you'll be set for the exams because you'll already have solved what's on there."
-Nathan C.
"This book incorporates high-quality practice for the AP Calculus BC Exam. The practice problems within are not only challenging but are also extremely similar to those on the AP test. The book allows users to better understand and master learned content. I strongly recommend buying this book to boost AP test performance." - Andy Han
"As a high school student who took the AP Calc BC exam, this book was very useful in helping me prepare for the exam. After finishing all the problems in the book, I felt very well prepared for the exam. I highly recommend this book for anyone planning on taking the AP Calc BC exam." -Aryan S.
"All problems ... cover all needed subjects to get a 5 on the test. Questions... are sure to prepare anyone who's planning to take the AP Calculus BC exam." - Winston T.
"Excellent set of practice tests that covers all the topics on the AP calc bc test. It has the best practice problems on the test I have seen since the questions closely resemble that of the AP exam; doing well on these is a great indicator on how you will do on the test. Thanks to this book I know what to expect and can take the test with confidence." - Melissa
"This is a fantastic prep book for the AP Calculus BC Exam. Each problem is based off of actual AP test problems as well. After completing the practice exams in this book, I was confident going into the actual AP test ..." -Richard H.
"The questions are of unbelievably good quality, they are just like the ones on the AP exam. If you practice this book's questions, you will be very happy in the test. Korsunsky's book works astounding wonders." -Susan Y.
I used this book to practice for the calc BC test. The type of problems in the book are very similar to the multiple choice questions on the actual test. Additionally, the topics covered are very accurate to what the AP exam tested on, so I would definitely suggest this book for anyone looking for accurate and useful review problems." - Qun Shi
"I used these multiple choice questions to successfully prepare and review for the AP Calculus BC test in 2016. It was very helpful since the questions are very similar to what you will get on the AP test. It is an invaluable supplement to any calculus curriculum/AP test preparation."
-Myra C.
“Multiple Choice Questions to Prepare for the AP Calculus BC Exam.”
Testimonials by Teachers
"I bought your book the AP Calculus - BC Level, and it is really great. I have being going thru many BC-Level Materials from many different places, and this book summarizes the most important math questions. Hands down, this is the BEST book I have seen for AP Calculus at the BC level.
There are many sources for the AP Calculus at the AB level, but not for the BC level. This is the BEST book on BC-Level for AP Calculus."
- Paul P
"As an AP Calculus BC teacher I am always looking for realistic and useful exam questions that accurately reflect those that may be on the BC Exam. The material contained in this terrific book fits the bill. I am very impressed and my students are being challenged. I strongly recommend this book." - Donald Ciccolella
" Tons of problems to thoroughly prepare for the BC AP Calculus exam. This book has 6 sets of 45 multiple choice questions covering the most recent topics found on the BC AP Calculus exam. At first I was disappointed that there weren't complete solutions, but in time I recognized this as a strength, as it forced me to push to figure out the answers. An answer key is provided. I believe these problems are more challenging than the actual test, but not extremely so. As such, they provide an excellent way to prepare. There is a separate solution manual that can be purchased if needed, but I encourage you to work through these on your own, even if you have to let a problem sit in your subconscious for a spell. You will thank yourself and Rita Korsunsky come exam day."
- L. Coleman
This was the first year I used this book to help my students prepare for the AP BC exam, and it is a fantastic book. The problems were great and extremely beneficial for my students. Regularly the students completed the problems from this book in class and they were well written, challenging, and reflective of the actual AP exam questions. I will definitely use it again, and I highly recommend it! - Sandi Goss
"This book is an excellent source of practice material, whether for review or for the teacher to use in the classroom. I've used it for two years now in the classroom as daily practice/quiz material and it is great. Should check out her other materials as well."- D Floyd
“This is what is it - just a set of practice tests. However, unlike a lot of practice tests, this one actually reflects the kinds of questions that the College Board has on their practice exams. Some of these problems are not easily found in books. I wish this author would write another book with just sample problems by category for the BC content. I would buy that in a minute. I'd probably buy a whole set for my BC class. This is THE best book I've seen in terms of BC accuracy. Highly recommended.”- B. LEARY
"Out of eighteen BC (technically AB/BC in one year) students, I had fifteen get a 5 and three got a 4. I used the Multiple Choice Questions... and the Lecture Notes... They were both extremely helpful!! I would recommend both!" -Karen S.
"Good collection of problems. I really like hearing students discuss the ideas behind some of them." - Tricia G.
“This is an excellent resource for AP Calculus BC! The questions are well written and very challenging. After completing these, the students are well prepared for any type and style of questions asked on the AP exam.”- Amy Edmonson
"I have been teaching AP Calculus AB & BC for some time now and purchased the MathBoat books last year for my BC class! I used the problems for warmups and fillers during class and had the students take a whole test on their own. The books were great!! complete with 6 full examinations, tips for the AP Exam, and formulas and theorems sheet. The solution CD's provide instant feedback for the students on their answers if needed (though I find myself doing the problems too). The problems are comprehensive and address all of the new AP Calculus AB/BC focus and content on procedural with conceptual underpinnings. "- Amazon Customer
"Excellent BC prep book! I have used these books with my students for several years. They are a great source for practice questions."- D. Eichenser
“Great book for AP Calculus BC classes…”- Boris Ovetsky
"As a first time BC calc teacher, I found this book to be super helpful! I used it mostly for questions on chapter tests. There are a few questions here and there that I thought were a little odd (difficult, unclear?), but the PowerPoint solutions helped clear up any ambiguity for me. My students were well prepared for their AP exam and these questions were a big part of that!" - Karen A. Martin
“Five Stars! Great problems!!! I would use this seller again.”- Melanie Sacco
“Using your materials, I had the best scores in the 5 years I have taught BC. The number of fives increased dramatically from previous years.” Denis Bergstedt
“Extremely rigorous problem sets---many level 5 and beyond questions!” A. C.
"My students did well. Of the 9 students who took the AP Calculus BC exam 5 got 5 and the remaining 4 got a score of 4.
- I have used the Mathboat review workbooks and my students also practiced the questions from the past exam papers. Together, they helped the students get ready for their AP exam. I would definitely recommend the workbooks to other teachers/students."- Isaiah G.
"Excellent review book!" Liz Chalanick
"I used this book during my first year teaching Calculus BC. Having this many multiple choice practice problems (with solutions!!) was extremely helpful. This is a great resource for both student and teacher." -GeneralBS.
"Good book for students seeking to get 4 or 5 on the AP test."- Haixin G.
"I want to thank you for your excellent products. I've downloaded all 4 Pre-Calc and Calculus courses as well as the Calc AB & Calc BC Multiple choice exams in iBooks. They've been a lifesaver for me as a tutor." - Hanz B.
"The workbooks really help them a lot."- Victoria B
Exactly what you need to be able to do for the AP Exam. I actually ENJOYED doing these problems knowing they were relevant to the actual test! Consider also getting her "AP Calculus BC Lecture Notes", a great resource for explanations of the required material.
(Retired AP Physics teacher teaching myself AP BC Calculus so that I can tutor that as well as the courses I taught.)- Amazon customer
Testimonials by parents
"I just wanted to send a "thank you" on behalf of my daughter. She recently took the AP Calculus BC exam at school and feels as though she did extremely well. Although her school has a great Calculus teacher, he did not teach Calculus in a way to score well (a 5 to get college credit which is what is needed at our state university). My daughter was able to self-study your materials and believes that they had a strong positive effect on her exam performance. It sounds odd because I know that the standard AP Calculus BC curriculum was taught at her school --- but following/completing the standard AP curriculum is not enough to score well (at least at my daughter's school). I am not suggesting that your materials provided any short cuts to learning Calculus -- but your materials did challenge and teach my daughter in ways that her AP Calculus did not. Thank you so much for writing and publishing them. Many thanks." Michelle Hutter
" Nicely done. It was really nice that there were no errors in the problems. I also bought the digital answers, which shows the work for all of the problems. It was really nicely done. (The Baron's review book has errors all over it and the publisher does not care to correct them, even in the newer editions. We threw that one out and only used this one to prepare for the multiple choice section.) My kids said that these problems were slightly more difficult than the actual AP Calculus BC ones, and they felt this book prepared them very well for the exam." - Mom of 6
"Great AP resource. Amazingly written AP mc prep book! Great resource for my kids!" - Henry and Vanessa
A thoughtfully put together collection of problems that helps students to review all major concepts in preparation for the test. I bought the book for my son, and it has proven to be imperative in his studies. Highly recommended! -L.P.
"We purchased this book and the companion solutions CD so my son could self study for the AP Calculus BC exam. We could easily find Free Response practice questions on the internet but finding Multiple Choice questions was much more difficult. We took a chance and ordered this book. The questions were similar to those found on the AP. The practice was challenging and worth it! If my son had trouble with a question, he would refer to the solutions CD and it would be clearly presented. He found it very helpful. He also used the CollegeBoard AP Calc BC practice tests and tests from previous years that can be found online to prepare but there have been some changes in the recent updates on the AP exam. Ms. Korsunsky's book includes those types of problems whereas the old online AP tests did not. I recommend purchasing both the book and the solutions CD. Incidently, my son earned a 5 on the exam! Thank you, Rita Korsunsky!"- Kande129.
"My daughter got a 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam! She greatly appreciates your workbook and PowerPoint solutions as many of the exam problems were very similar style to your workbook ones. Thanks!" Janet J.
"This is the best book for AP Calculus BC test and Final exam. My son's overall average is a 95.5 and got a 5 for AP Calculus BC test. I highly recommend this book." - Michelle Yoo
"I was looking for a good resource for my son to prepare for his AP Calculus B/C class and also to prepare for his AP exam. ... The questions published in the book are carefully thought examples that will challenge the students and at the same time provide a good explanation of steps as the student works through the problem. I highly recommend getting this book."- Mohammad N.
"I bought this book for my son to prepare for the Calculus exam. The book had very good variety of problems that provided him the challenge to prepare well for the exam. The author has done an excellent job of providing the right mix of problems."- Ashok G.
"I bought this book for my kid AP calculus. My kid was not doing well at school, which bothers me. I have to say it is a tough book and too many though questions. My kid complained me that he has to spend so much time to do the questions in the book for his AP calculus.However, the result is wonderful. My kid got a 5 in his AP test and he told me his daily exercises in this book prepares him so well for the test that he feels very confident after the AP test. If your kid is ready for challenge and wants the confidence in the test, take this book."- Yuanwen Wu
"My daughter just took her AP Calc BC exam and said your books are amazing. She said she saw some of the same problems in your book on her AP exam today. Thank you." -Jennifer S
"My daughter found this book and companion CD very useful for preparing for the AP Calculus Exam. The authors' flexibility and helpfulness is very much appreciated. She offered to send a link to download the CD content because the book and CD were purchased a couple of weeks before the exam. My kid loved it and did very well."- A.F.
"I got this for my daughter preparing for the AP Calculus BC test a couple of months before the test date. She found this resource very helpful. There are other resources for the FRQ part of the test but very limited for the Multiple Choice section and this book certainly meets the need in that area." - fmlyguy
"My son said the questions are very good. They cover everything on the Calculus BC exam. They are great practice if you are studying for the AP Calculus BC exam. My son is using it to prepare for the Calculus BC exam and he feel he is well prepared." - Amazon customer
"My son received a 5 on the Cal BC exam. Your book and power point slides helped a lot. Thanks," -Shafeeq S.
"My son said this book prepared him very well with good problems covering all hard areas. I would definitely recommend Mathboat workbook to other students." - Surya
"Good tool to increase your child score. My son got a 5 just last week." -K. Fong
"I bought the book and the CD with the solutions (sold separately) because I noticed that my son was having hard time in BC class towards the middle of the school year. This book helped him a lot. He got a score of 5 on the AP Calculus BC. Although purchasing the book and then the solutions CD was a little more expensive than most AP books, the results were instant and amazing, and the purchase was absolutely worth! I ordered the AP Calculus AB version for my younger son as well."- sg9776
"My son used this book for Calculus BC, it has good practice questions and it clearly explains the material and gives good answers practice tests."- Harry.
"I bought the book in the middle of the school year because I noticed my son's grades in AP Calculus going down. Almost instantly after he started using the book, his grades went up and he had a 100% in the class for the last semester. He has a score of 5 on the AP Calculus BC as well.
Although purchasing the book and then the solutions CD was a little more expensive than most AP books, the results were instant and amazing, and the purchase was absolutely worth! I will purchase the AP Calculus AB version for my younger son as well. I already recommended your books to my friends and would like to recommend them to all AP scholars!"- D.P.
"My son took AP Calculus BC exam in May. He earned 5 in Calculus BC with a sub score of 5 in Calculus AB. We used your book and PowerPoint in our review sessions during the last few weeks. It was tremendous help towards our final preparation in improving speed and learning different ways of solving some problems. In our homeschool, your resource was invaluable and very much appreciated. Thank you." -Jasma S.
"I purchased both the 2019 Calculus BC Exam Preparation workbook and the solutions manual for my son. I think that he did every problem in the workbook and understood each solution. He felt very prepared going into the exam and confident when he finished. The workbook questions were very similar to the exam questions so there were no surprises on test day. All his preparation paid off as he scored a "5" on his exam and will be starting off in Calc 3 in college."- Crossing creeks farm
"My son scored a 5 on his AP BC Calculus exam. Your textbook and the solutions manual were both extremely helpful to him. I don't think I saw him at all the last several weeks prior to his AP Exams. I would bring him coffee and he would be doing calulus problems....I think that he did every problem. He certainly felt very prepared going into the exam and confident when finished. Thank you for offering such comprehensive preparation materials." - Vivian P.
"The Mathboat book was really helpful and my son score a 5 on his AP Exam. "- Krupal P
Testimonials by students
"As a high school junior having to take this class, I had looked at plenty of resources that would give myself plenty of practice for the AP exam. After having only scored a 3 on my AB exam, I was really looking to improve my score for the BC exam. It is because of these practice tests in this book that I felt so fully prepared for my exam and was able to score a 5 on it. I recommend that anyone looking to score a 5 on their exam should get this book as well as the accompanying solutions as it was probably one of the best resources I have ever bought for an AP exam and this is come from the student who has taken 11 APs already in total." - Amazon customer
"I took my AP calculus course online — there was little guidance by the teachers about how to actually prepare for the test itself. By using this book and learning the concepts behind each of the problems (I recommend buying their guided solutions) I was able to score a 5 on the exam. Not to mention I have personally talked to the author over email, and she has been very receptive and friendly." - Alex Godfrey
"If you are going to take the AP Calculus BC test or even want to strengthen your AP Calculus AB score, I highly, highly, recommend this book. The concepts tested are relevant and challenging but man, is it gonna prep you for the test better than ANY OTHER prep book. The questions in the book DO resemble the questions in the AP Calculus BC test and the depth of the questions improve your understanding of the subjects tested.Try to go through the whole book and review your mistakes. The theorems and formulas at the back are a great help too. Also something that I want to highlight is that the customer service at, the website where the book and solution key (very much necessary), is superb. Not only do they respond very quickly, but they are also very generous and helpful. Did I mention that I got a 5 in my AP Calculus BC test with an AB sub-score of 5 as well. This is proof that this book DOES help, if you put in effort and practice the free response past year questions available for free online." - Amazon customer
"The questions in this book are great and are AP style so they greatly helped me prepare for the exam. I took all of the practice exams and was not surprised by anything when I took the AP test." - Rosa Cherry
"A great book if you’re studying for the exam! Very thorough explanations on the DVD; ended up with a 5 on the exam. A book you should look into when studying for the BC exam. " - Giovanni Longo
"The book was very helpful as the problems were quite a bit harder than the actual exam, so being over prepared helped me get a five on the BC exam relatively easily." - Abhinaya M.
"Thanks to the book, I received a 5 on the Calc BC exam - probably the most confident out of all my exams. I would definitely recommend the Mathboat workbooks to anyone who wants to fully grasp and understand topics that are unclear."- James P.
"This practice book helped me a lot throughout my AP Calc BC class! I started using it from the beginning of the year, especially the review pages in the back that recap everything you need to know for the exam. I bought the CD with the worked-out solutions as well since I definitely think it's necessary to have while doing the practice problems. After taking the AP exam this past May, I honestly didn't feel that I did well but I ended up getting a 5 on the BC score and AB subscore! Would recommend to other students!" - Julia M.
"After using many Calculus BC preparatory books, Rita's book is hands down the most realistic and helpful resource. It tests all the necessary knowledge to guarantee a 5 on the AP exam. Everyone taking Calculus BC must get this book." - Baltej Singh.
"The exam went very well (I got a 5)! The book and power point solutions were very helpful in my preparation and made me feel confident in my abilities going into test day."- Edward J.
All the Multiple Choice Questions in the book are WONDERFUL for preparing for the AP Calculus BC Exam. Everything has been updated to the current AP Calculus BC Exam Standards, and every problem helps strengthen the students understanding for all the AP Calculus BC topics! Every topic is covered in these practice questions and they align very closely to the actual AP Calculus BC Exam! The problems range from basic to challenging, providing the student with the full range of potential questions related to the topics covered in the Exam. The quality of these problems are EXCELLENT! This is an AMAZING way to prepare and practice for the Exam! The problems are very complete, thorough, and clear, and I would HIGHLY recommend this book for anyone to use to prepare for the AP Calculus BC Exam! This is a GREAT Exam Preparation Workbook!- Sadvi Narayanan
"It provide excellent practice for multiple choice section. Unlike other practice books, I didn't find any mistake in the book. If you answer is different from the book, you can be sure that you make mistake..." -Kaicheung Chow
This book contains high quality practice problems for virtually every single topic tested on the AP exam. Problems are structured very similarly to AP exam problems. I would recommend this book for anyone looking to take the AP Calculus BC exam; it will definitely boost your score!- Zhe Liu
"Working through these problems will increase speed needed to answer questions on the AP test and prevent careless errors....This book was one of the main reasons I was able to successfully able to achieve a 5 on the AP Calculus BC Exam.... I highly recommend this book for both preparing for the AP test and for studying for the AP Calc BC class, and assure that once you start doing problems in the book, you will not be able to stop!...Best of luck to all to those aspiring to take the AP Calculus BC test, and once you reach the exam room, be confident, because this book is more than enough practice than you will need to ace the exam."- Ram G.
"Great book to prepare for and get a 5 on the AP calculus BC exam. Has a big variety of problems, so you can go into the exam feeling confident. Very highly recommended!" -Bimba S. Rao
"Helped me get a 5 on the AP exam! Problems are very similar to the actual ones on the exam. Highly recommend to anyone looking for some good quality practice problems to prepare themselves." - M. Shao
“If you are looking for comprehensive practice test set to prepare for the AP Calculus BC Exam, this is the one! The book contains problems for all the essential topics with various difficulties. Looking back at the six tests in this book, I found that they covered each type of problems that appeared on the ...AP test.” - Steven Z
The multiple choice is very good. The questions are challenging and similar to the questions on the actual AP. - Mahabubul Alam
The problems in this book are representative of the topics covered on the actual AP Calculus BC exam. Doing the problems was beneficial for my overall understanding of the concepts and definitely helped me prepare for the exam. - sjc2015
"It is little hard to do but I feel like this gave me some practice that Khan academy, Barrons, and previous AP exams couldn't give. I used this and Barrons. Also my calculus used similar problems in the tests so it helped me boost my grade to an A. I also did well on my AP exam so I'm happy." -Dong U.
“This book is extremely useful in helping pinpoint areas that you are proficient in and areas that you need help with.” - Elin C.
“Not only does it have challenging problems, but each one tests a different skill, and allows you to review all the concepts.” - Ria
“It predicts all the tricks the creators of the test might pull in order so that you won't fall for them! I would highly recommend this book.”- Katherine X
"This book has 6 excellent practice tests each with excellent practice questions.In the past, I got the first addition for AP Calc AB and got a five on that AP Test. This book is helping me prepare just as well for the Calc BC Test. I have only good things to say about this product. I highly recommended it." - Suren Seshadri
“I owe my success on the BC exam largely to the time I spent going through all of the problems and correcting the ones I got wrong.” L.M.
“This is a great resource to prepare for the AP Calculus BC test. The practice exams cover all the areas for the course. The Formulas and Theorems section is especially useful since it serves as a comprehensive while succinct summary of the course contents. Don't forget to read the tips as well, which helps avoid common mistakes.” - Jessica
"Your book has been of tremendous help to me. I remember trying the first question of your book, and failing, because it was so hard but it built my foundation and knowledge of the test subjects very well. The questions are relevant and challenging, prepping me for the actual test, which mostly resembled your questions in many ways (depth, difficulty, and etc). The questions tested concepts from various angles and continually strengthened my foundation. In addition, the formulas and theorems at the back were very, very helpful! All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed your book and benefited greatly from it (probably wouldn't have gotten a 5 if I did not use your book). I am extremely grateful and would give you and your book a 100 out of 10." -Miracle W.
The practice exams that the book contains provide a comprehensive and beneficial review on the course.” - Niyaza
“This is the best book for calc. It prepared me for the Calculus exam and got me a 5. I was confident and finished the entire exam in about 75% of the time.” - Rishi S.
“This is a great resource for AP Calculus BC! It is extremely helpful.” - Lawrence C.
“I think this is a must buy if you want to do well on the AP exam! Questions are really well prepared.” - Vladimir B
“The big spaces between the problems allowed me…to mark, star, and show detailed steps.... From the helpful tips to the accuracy of the problem types to the wonderful formatting, this book is amazing, and I highly recommend it!” - Marian P
“Extremely Helpful. Highly recommended to everyone taking calculus.” - Angela L.
" I bought this book to prepare for my AP Calculus BC exam in 2015, and it got me a 5 on the test! It was very useful, and there are sample problems for every type of question that came up on the exam. I also purchased the solution manual from MathBoat, and it was very clear, and a good companion to this book. I would recommend buying this book well before the AP Exam, and working through each type of problem a few times to understand it completely." - BSRI
"It is thanks to your book that I got a 5 on my exam. I would definitely recommend it to other students and have already gotten countless of students at my school that took Calc AB to purchase your book. I will be recommending that they do the same for BC. This book was probably, in my opinion, one of the best resources I had for the exam and the reason why I had an improved score from when I took AB. This was definitely a phenomenal resource that lives up to the reviews I read and what it promised to do. Thank you for creating these amazing resources. "- Alexa C.
“Thanks to this book, I scored a 5 on the AP Calculus BC Exam! The workbook really helped me to reinforce my concepts The six practice tests provided me with a large variety of problems so that I was ready for everything College Board tested me on.” - Yue C.
The practice problems are very similar to the ones on the AP exam.”- Jessica
“Perfect book to succeed and surpass expectations on the AP exam!”- Avanti M
“The best way to prepare for the Multiple Choice section of the AP Calculus exam is to do practice problems. This book has the perfect selection of problems, which cover all topics on the exam.” Steven H
“The tips at the end of the book talks about important things that helps prevent loosing points due to insignificant mistakes.”- モリ・トラ
“This book contains questions on everything that you need to know for the AP Exam. After taking the tests in this book I truly felt prepared. This book is modeled after a real AP test and it shows. It's amazing practice and I'm glad I had the opportunity to use it.”-Mahesh I.
"All the problems in this preparation book helped me get a 5 on the AP test! Very thorough and well-designed." - Crystal G.
"The six tests contained in this book are helpful in both identifying probable problems on the Calculus BC exam and in increasing speed and understanding. By the time you finish the book, you will find yourself faster and more aware of possible mistakes. Really great practice if you want to ace that AP exam." - Asma M.
"Finishing this book will make you a master of the test " - Kevin C.
"These questions are very useful and are the main reason why I got a 5 on the AP Calculus BC Exam. " - Vishnu M.
"The problems in this book are exceptional and prepare you very well for the AP test. Literally any type of problem you might encounter on the AP test are present in this book. I'm so glad I was able to do these problems because they prepared me for the AP test. As I was taking the test, I did not find any surprises because all of them were very similar to problems I had encountered in this book. I strongly recommend using this book for prep!" - Yolomamba
"Many of the problems in this book were similar to the ones on the actual test and trained me to quickly identify which steps to use to approach and solve a variety of problems. In addition to the sample exams, the book also contains a list of EXTREMELY helpful tips that I couldn't find in other prep books. The list of formulas and definitions in the back of the book refreshed my memory before the test as well. Another reason why I love this book so much is that the big spaces between the problems not only allowed me to have a lot of room to do my work but also let me have space to mark, star, and show detailed steps right next to the problems that I needed to review again. From the helpful tips to the accuracy of the problem types to the wonderful formatting, this book is amazing, and I highly recommend it!" -Ejin
"As a high school student taking multiple AP classes this book really makes you feel prepared for the AP exam. There are different types of questions and it's a great representation of what shows up on the real test. ...It also has questions which trick you the way the AP test does, so doing these problems makes you extra careful to not make the same mistakes. This book is a great resource and will give you an advantage when taking the exam!" -Pallavi C.
"This book really helped me when I was struggling to do well in my Calculus BC class, and even more so when I took the AP test. The questions were all very similar to what one can find on the AP test ... Highly recommend!" -Ethan C.
"This book is your best bet at passing the BC Calculus AP test; the wide variety of questions covers a bunch of possible problems you would run into on the real test. Essentially if you complete this book you'll be set for the exams because you'll already have solved what's on there."
-Nathan C.
"This book incorporates high-quality practice for the AP Calculus BC Exam. The practice problems within are not only challenging but are also extremely similar to those on the AP test. The book allows users to better understand and master learned content. I strongly recommend buying this book to boost AP test performance." - Andy Han
"As a high school student who took the AP Calc BC exam, this book was very useful in helping me prepare for the exam. After finishing all the problems in the book, I felt very well prepared for the exam. I highly recommend this book for anyone planning on taking the AP Calc BC exam." -Aryan S.
"All problems ... cover all needed subjects to get a 5 on the test. Questions... are sure to prepare anyone who's planning to take the AP Calculus BC exam." - Winston T.
"Excellent set of practice tests that covers all the topics on the AP calc bc test. It has the best practice problems on the test I have seen since the questions closely resemble that of the AP exam; doing well on these is a great indicator on how you will do on the test. Thanks to this book I know what to expect and can take the test with confidence." - Melissa
"This is a fantastic prep book for the AP Calculus BC Exam. Each problem is based off of actual AP test problems as well. After completing the practice exams in this book, I was confident going into the actual AP test ..." -Richard H.
"The questions are of unbelievably good quality, they are just like the ones on the AP exam. If you practice this book's questions, you will be very happy in the test. Korsunsky's book works astounding wonders." -Susan Y.
I used this book to practice for the calc BC test. The type of problems in the book are very similar to the multiple choice questions on the actual test. Additionally, the topics covered are very accurate to what the AP exam tested on, so I would definitely suggest this book for anyone looking for accurate and useful review problems." - Qun Shi
"I used these multiple choice questions to successfully prepare and review for the AP Calculus BC test in 2016. It was very helpful since the questions are very similar to what you will get on the AP test. It is an invaluable supplement to any calculus curriculum/AP test preparation."
-Myra C.